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Mini cranes

To access the filter parameters
Lifting capacity, kg
Max. the boom, m
Weight, kg
Advantages rent
Machinery leasing for one shift and more Machinery leasing for one shift and more
Preliminary examination of the object Preliminary examination of the object
On-line technical support On-line technical support
Delivery to any point of the Russian Federation and CIF Delivery to any point of the Russian Federation and CIF
Advantages purchase
Delivery to any point of Russian Federation and CIF Delivery to any point of Russian Federation and CIF
Warranty maintenance Warranty maintenance
Postwarranty maintenance Postwarranty maintenance
Warranty on machinery Warranty on machinery

Mini-cranes JEKKO — multipurpose actual building technique, which solvesany construction problem. Dimensions of mini-cranes Jekko allows operate at the places, where conventional large-size machines will not go. Small weight of mini-cranes permits them to operate on floor slabs.

Compact mini-crane JEKKO with width only from 77 cm possesses load-lifting capacity up to 7.5 tons. Product line of mini-cranes JEKKO includes: micro mini-crane SPB209, compact mini-crane SPX312, versatile mini-crane SPD360, multifunctional mini-crane SPX527, powerful mini-crane SPX1040, super powerful mini-crane SPX1275 and load bearing mini-crane MPK20.


Dimensions: mini-crane JEKKO possesses insignificant dimensions, which permit them to overcome easily a slope up to 20º and side slope up to 5º. Mini-crane Jekko has excellent maneuverability in movement between columns, shuttering panels, walls and door openings. Crane dimensions permit to move over the whole pit area, which contributes closing of dead zones, which are out of reach in case of conventional technique application. And leasing of 100 tons crane, capable to solve this problem, costs in many times more, than leasing of compact and possessing high level of passage ability mini-crane.

Lifting-load capacity: Lifting load ability of mini-cranes is impressive if compared with their dimensions – from 0.99 to 7.5 tons.

Weight of mini-crane: own weight of mini-crane constitutes from 1.45 ton which corresponds to load rating on floor slabs. Small weight in combination with sufficient lifting-loads capacity allows to perform any required work without involvement of additional labor force.

Design of min-cranes allows to arrange them at completely unsuitable for conventional cranes surfaces, that is why JEKKO may be located considerably closer than conventional mobile crane.

Boom length: JEKKO possesses, among the other advantages telescope boom: one main boom and 4 telescopic sections, made of high-strength steel alloy. Length of crane boom lets to perform quick and easy installation works at the distance up to 26.5 meters.

Remote control panel: due to the system of remote control mini-cranes Jekko may be used for the works requiring crane installation at places which operator to excess the crane. More over, remote control system provides operator opportunity to be directly at the point of the load location, which considerably increases speed and accuracy of performed operations. This is essential advantage of mounting works execution in any provided conditions.

Fuel consumption: mini-crane JEKKO is equipped with two engines: diesel and the electric one. In open space operation is commonly curried out by means of diesel engine, which in turn is very efficient in respect of fuel consumption (1 liter/hr) and for the whole shift fuel consumption constitutes ~ 8 liters. In case of works performed inside of premise, mini-crane JEKKO operates by electricity, which is even more efficient, less noisy and does not blanket premise with exhaust gases.

Mini-crane JEKKO permits opportunity of safely move and install shuttering panels, reducing cost and labor intensity of formworks, increasing rate and quality of performed construction.

Professionals of low-rise and high-rise construction, estimating suitability of mini-crane JEKKO application at performing monolithic operations of different complexity, including installation of slide forms, will never change their decision.

If you need to operate in conditions of confined space, where traditional machinery can’t manage at all – address to installation technologies of installation technologies, you may experience comfort and efficiency of mini-cranes JEKKO!

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